Challenge us with any non-traditional ad-hoc research question you have! We will create a rigorous, tailor-made solution to meet your needs.
Pre-launch Market Understanding
When you are launching a new product or communication initiative in a category, you must have the fundamentals right. Provides teams with essential foundational consumer and category understanding they need in order to grow.
Brand Strategy
A robust approach that assesses a brand’s overarching mission and potential strategic territories. This rigorous design drills down to identify the proof points that drive relevance and motivation. Validates that all of these elements effectively “fit” together to support and deliver a cohesive and persuasive expression of a brand’s core strategy.
Usage & Attitude
A comprehensive understanding of consumption, habits and perceptions for a category or brand at a particular point in time. Used to profile users and non-users, and to identify growth opportunities and barriers for a product or service.
Concept & Innovation Assessment
A rigorous approach used to determine the best way to position your product, service, innovation or message to maximize consumer engagement.
Claims Assessment
Used to identify the most powerful proof points to support your product or service and drive trial.
Track brand equity, share of mind, and consumption to monitor competitive developments and ensure marketing dollars are driving brand awareness, perceptions and habits over time.
SKU Optimization
Go beyond POS data to determine the optimal sku line-up that maximizes consumption and minimizes cannibalization. This approach is ideal ahead of launching or rationalizing a product offering.
Measure employee or customer satisfaction to ensure that your processes and programs are driving loyalty and retention.
On-Site Intercepts
Used to measure customer perceptions and behaviour at the first moment of truth. Leverage this approach to compare shopper profiles or to assess the impact of alternate executions at retail or other locations.